Threads Maestro logo


Manage and schedule your Threads posts - In one place.

Grow and monetize your Threads account by writing, drafting, collaborating, and scheduling your posts. All in one place.

Be the first to try it!

How it works

As easy as it should be

Connect your account

Connect your Threads/Instagram account to get started.

Connect your account



Write and Schedule your posts

Write and save drafts with our Thread writer. Then schedule each post at your desired time.

Schedule your posts


Grow your account

Let our tool work in the background automatically posting your content, growing your audience. While you focus on more important things.

Can't wait?

Early-bird Lifetime deal

Ready to grow your Threads audience?

Join the waitlist to be the first to try it!


Let us answer your questions

Is it safe to use this?

Yes. When the official Threads API releases, we will make sure to be completely compliant with Meta's Terms of Service.

Will you need my Threads/Instagram password?

No. Threads API allows you to easily connect your Threads/Instagram account with Threads Maestro without sharing your password. And you will be in full control of that access and be able to revoke it whenever you want if you wish to do so.

Is it really a lifetime subscription?

Yes, the early bird subscription will give you access forever to the Creator plan. No monthly subscription will be required.

How many posts can I schedule?

As when the app is launched, you will be able to schedule posts up to 3 months in the future. Though we may extend this limit in the future as the app grows.

Is my data safe?

Yes, we do NOT store any critical data (like passwords). Only you and anyone you explicitly give access to your account and posts will be able to see them.